After my first couple conventions were a bit tough when it came to allowing enough time for the creation of the costumes. So I finally started setting time frames to have costumes done for convention and it has made my enjoyment much greater.
Here is a catalog of any and all Cosplays I have done or want to do.
Group Cosplay for Wondercon in Anaheim.
Mario Sisters and Princes - Comic-Con 2014?
Most recently done Cosplay is the group cosplay with Husband and a couple who are big geeks like us. Remember this post? Here is the surprise: We gender bent it! I was Mario (cuz I'm shorter), her as Luigi (cuz she is taller), Husband as Daisy (he already had yellow and orange dress clothes) and her guy as Peach (cuz he owned it). This will be a very easy one to switch over for just Husband and I. Just need to get him some pink pants as he already has the rest of a Peach outfit.
Couple Cosplays for Husband and me:
Roxy Richter/Scott PilgrimI need a new pair of boots and possibly I will buy my own wig instead borrowing it from my makeup/hair professional friend.

Kaywinnet LeeFrye/Simon Tamm
I need a new pair of work boots for this costume as well, but other wise, it is a winner for both of us.

Captain Jackie Harkness/10th Doctor (Waiting on 10's suit is done)
I need a different jacket with brass buttons to complete this look as well as buttons need to be sewn into the skirt for the proper suspenders.

Jennifer Palmer/Marty McFly
I need to my paint flowers onto my now pink jeans, purchase a loose white colored blouse, a blue quilted vest, and a white/cream colored, long thin strapped, leather like purse.

Burt and Mary Poppins
I need a new and better hat for this. I had spray painted a tan hat and it was pretty much falling apart by the end of Halloween evening.

As for some new solo cosplays, many of my older ones just need a bit of updating:
Kitty PrydeI need some sort of shoe that is comfortable and sexy at the same time as well as new belt. Duct tape ain't gonna cut it. I probably could due with altering sleeves of the dress to make it look a bit more boat neck and if my makeup/hair professional friend can due it, I was a fake Lockheed (a purple dragon) tattoo for my left bicep. And maybe some gloves to go with my new shoes.

Black Canary
This one is set to go, but unfortunately, after Wondercon 2014 and 2013 as well as Comic-Con 2013, I saw quite a few of these, so it is unlikely I will wear this one this next Con.

Hermonie Granger
While I don't think this belongs at Comic-Con, you never know when you need to show your Gryffindor pride. I just need a good wand to complete this look.

Battle Star Galatica
As much as I LOVE this show, I doubt that I will be using this cosplay again too. It is not quite spot on enough to get any sort of attention. If I do though, I will need new boots and some dog tags.

Black Cat
I will never feel like my body is rocking enough for this costume, besides the fact that most of the Black Cat cosplays our there are made of latex and mine is made of cotton/spandex mix. I need to hem and fix the zipper on the black body suit and the add the white fur trim and get a good white wig.

I don't want to the the version of Rogue in her Green and Yellow Jim Lee Costume. I like the Post Wars version with the black body suit, double belts and a green cropped top. For this look, I will need to get a couple white streak hair pieces, a green crop top, boots in either green or black, and some green gloves.

Gender Bend Riddler - Comic-Con 2014?
I need to paint my black shoes to look like wing tips, a green bowler with white ribbon trim, a purple mask (preferably with white out eyes), a cane, and some purple gloves. This one will probably get the push to be finished of Comic-Con 2014!

Gender Bend Joker (Maybe someday with a male Harlequin)
I need to get some purple tights, make a light blue Colonel Sanders style neck tie, some sort of purple jacket, and grey gloves. At this point I'm am planning at the orange petticoat being enough of a bottom with the tights, but if I can find a purple swing skirt, I am down. Unfortunately, after Wondercon April 2014, I saw quite a few of these, so it is unlikely I will push to finish mine this year.

Peter Pan
Done and done!

Lucy from Peanuts
Nailed it!

Thanks to Bro Bro who lives in Japan, I have everything for this costume except a proper head piece.
This costume needs a new flouncey shirt and then either some pirate boots (or cuffs).

I need a red wig and to make a large bow for said wig.

Julia Child
I need a curly short haired wig (or just curl the heck out of my short hair). Not sure if and or when I would EVER use this Cosplay at a Convention, but it make me happy that I have it.
Modern Day Wonder Woman
I still need quite a bit for this one: Firstly I need to fit into the highlow starred skirt I got for said costume then I will also need a W Necklace, gold head band, gold wrist cuffs, and some sort of red and white shoes

Cuz, why the heck not?!?! No, not for Comic-Con, but I'm sure there will be a reason someday. I need white knee highs, white peter pan princess sleeved blouse, and a bow for my head.

Poison Ivy
While BTAS version of Ivy is my favorite, I would prefer a corset and a skirt as I like that sort of silhouette. Needed is a red wig, green boots, and green gloves.

Because, duh! Just need a pink button down with roll-able sleeves.

Just need to get some sort of good looking fake guns and holsters. I love this chick.

Jason Todd
Some sort of red mask, a utility belt with guns, and a tan leather jacket will be needed.

Black Queen
A red lined black cape, red rose closure for said cape and high black boots.

A top hat, white or red bow tie, and black tailed jacket.
A green cape and that darn purple mask/cowl thing....I want this to happen so badly, but that cowl will keep it from happening for many, many years probably.

Susan Foreman
With my short hair, I pretty much have this one done. Just need to add the button down the front.

Cosplay Ideas, but nothing has been started on them:
Arya- Comic-Con 2014?Especially since I cut my hair short, this is sort of a must! This will be a toughie, but I really like the idea of doing it while it is popular.

Another one that seem like a really need to do while I have shortish hair.

Pin Up Vault Girl
Lots of work would been needed to do this, but I loves it and the game.

Amy Pond - Vampires of Venice
Lots is still needed for this, but this is a Cosplay that Husband and I have been thinking about for a while.

Clara Oswold - Day of the Doctor
I have a dress that could work, but lots of work still would be needed.

I love this one, but I doubt it will ever happen.

Small Wonder
Cuz why the heck not...
Not sure how to gender swap this, but I loves it sooooooo.
Elizabeth - BAS/Booker Dwight - PI
This one won't happen this year unless I really push for it. I need a well fitted white colored shirt, cuff and collar additions, bird cameo with red ribbon, navy blue a line skirt, red belt, black stockings with cross hatching, and navy t strap shoes. Husband will need his pinstripe suit altered, buy a grey high button vest, shoulder gun holster, a fedora of some appropriate color, and grey belted trench (optional).

There are my full thoughts on the matter for 2014.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for the future!
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