I enjoy reading my friend's Liz's Blog. She often
posts questionnaires that come from Catholic all year and while I am not follower of the Catholic faith, I really like the questions that are asked.
Here is the most recent Answer Me This:
1. Are you becoming your mother?
My maman passed away when I was 14, so I'm not sure. My father doesn't say it often, but my Auntie and those who knew my mother when she was the age I am now and younger say yes. To be honest, I am more than excited about that, but also wary. She had a tendency to over extend herself, much like myself. I find I am striving to become my mother with a touch of Husband's mother. I have every desire to be a combination of the two. Both being artistic women and loving wives and mothers, excellent cooks, and active in the community and charity work. The major thing is exercise. My maman was unable to exercise due to health conditions while MiL runs regularly. So I desire to be the healthiest and fittest.
2. Coffee or tea?
Both! It depends on the morning.
I still remember the first time I enjoyed cup of hot tea at the Spinning Wheel Tea House in Beaumaris in summer of 1994, Wales and my first cup of coffee at my family friends house in Beziers, France in the fall of 1995. I find that they both are caffeinating enough, but the flavors are so different and the effects so different that it depends on what needs to be accomplished.
3. What foreign country would you like to visit?
I have traveled a fair bit, but I think the top 5 of where to go with Husband would have to be thus:
France - While it would be an again for me, I would like to go with Husband to see my maman's friends and enjoy all the wine!
Ireland - (for the 3rd time) For the beer, whiskey, religious sites, and history!
Germany - For the beer, wine. and history.
Japan - To see my family and the culture.
Spain - To see the art, architecture, and landscape.
4. Do you cry easily?
I find that I cry for joy much more so than I was when I was younger. I don't cry over sadness as much now either. I still keep it pretty chill for the most part, but I definitely don't worry to much if I get emotional. There are bigger things to worry about.
5. How often do you wear heels?
I use to wear heels anytime I wasn't working. So a LOT about 2 years ago. You have to remember that I am under 5 foot tall, so by most standards, incredibly short. Now though, very rarely. I strained my back while I worked 3 jobs and pretty much came to the conclusion that heels are really only for special occasions now. and even then, I chose the smaller, tamer heels and wedges are the tallest ones I rock out the over 5 foot station.
6. Do you play an instrument?
Ukulele...and my voice?
I have tried to play the guitar and piano and I know a little bit, but unfortunately, my wee hands are just bit too small for any sort of proficiency in playing them. I can play the melody of songs on the piano for the purposes of learning songs, but that is really about it for those two.
I started playing the Ukulele this year and I love it. It is small enough for my hands and has an excellent sound and feel. I hope that I can take some lessons at one point, but, for now, I am having tons of fun.

Until the next questionnaire....
In other news..
My birthday party is happening this weekend! I decided that everyone should come dressed from a different time period. My thoughts leaning towards dressing in the style of Amelia Earhart...Pictures to follow!

Until the next questionnaire....
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