Saturday, May 24, 2014

BFMH: Breakfast Stromboli (or a Breakfast Hot Pocket)

This breakfast turned out super. Like, so good I will make it for our someday maybe children and they, too, will love it. It turned out to be a pretty decently easy breakfast as well.

Breakfast Stromboli (or a Breakfast Hot Pocket)
1 package of Farmer John Pork breakfast sausage (Sub Mushrooms and Onion for Vegetarian version)
1/2 a bell pepper
5 eggs
1/2 cup of evaporated milk
1 package of ready made pizza dough
1/2 cup of cornmeal
4 slices of cheese (I used 2% Cheddar)
Crumble and brown the sausage and add bell pepper when nearly done to soften.
Whisk eggs together with evaporated milk
Scramble eggs
Roll out pizza dough using the cornmeal as the non sticky flour stuff
Cut dough in fourths and lay a slice of cheese in the center, top with sausage, pepper and egg.
roll like a burrito and bake at 450 degrees for 9-11 minutes on a pizza stone.

I am sure you ware wondering about 2 different choices: the evaporated milk vs regular milk and the cornmeal vs flour.

Evaporated milk vs Regular milk
Using evaporated gives the same sort of creamy effect as regular milk would but cuts down significantly on the moisture/liquidyness within the bready wrap. I will probably try this trick next with my breakfast burritios.

Cornmeal vs Flour
The thicker grainyness of the cornmeal work better as keeping the sticky dough lifted off the baking surface. It also, like the evaporated milk, cuts down on high levels of liquidyness inside the wrap.

Seriously, yummy, and when Husband and I ate the left over one the following morning, the reheat was just as yummy. All I am thinking is how much I need to learn to make my own pizza dough so I can make these  on a weekly basis and not as a special occasion only dish.


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