Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Kindle Lost

Well, I knew it would happen someday. I misplaced something very important while traveling.

My Kindle.

My dear sweet Kindle Fire that I purchased for myself way back in 2011 was (probably) left at the hotel in Joinville, Brasil when we left at a 3:30 am to head to Curitiba, Brasil. The one time I don't do a dummy check because I was sleepwalking to the car, I forget something. Yes, we have contacted the hotel about it, but with how expensive electronics are in Brasil (which I didn't know before we left other wise I wouldn't have taken it), I sincerely doubt I will get it back.

As sad as this is, I reminded me of a few rules about traveling.

1) always have a zippered carry on bag that is large enough to accommodate all my valuables. This trip, I didn't take a backpack as I normally do when traveling. Major dumb bummer

2) if you can live without it, leave it at home. I definitely could have just brought a couple cheap paperbacks vs bring a $120 piece of equipment.

3) most importantly, as bummed out as I was that I had lost it, Brazil reminded me of how GREAT my quality of life is here in the states. While none of the places we stayed were third world country, they most certainly were second world feeling. 

As this was a stupid mistake, I am taking steps to learn from it, but some embarrassment and hurt take a little while to heal.

For now, I mourn and read my Kindle books from the tiny screen that is my IPhone 4S.

Until the next trip...

**No special title quote today as it is too somber of a subject.**

1 comment:

  1. Yah, I feel you... I left my kindle in the airplane front pocket on our trip to Hawaii. #firstworldproblems
