Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An April Fool's 8 Week Check In

So today is April Fool's Day. I never was big on this "holiday". Mainly because it is a balancing act. If it is funny to the prankster, will it be funny to the prankee? More often than not it is an excuse to be mean. Though I HAVE thought about painting my Husband's bar of soap with clear nail polish, I took into account that he has been working 10-14 hour days for the last 3 weeks. Extra frustration is not the way to show my love for him.

So instead I figured I would use this day for a check in.

Running: Not at the best but I am consistently running under 15 minutes per mile so my focus on distance is even more important. I need to get out and just try to run at my current speed for 6 miles. In turn, it is time to work on my eating habits in relationship to my running (and now spin). I don't want to peeter out to early or anything like that. So research time! HUZZAH!

Weight: I have gained any pounds I have lost back. This morning I was extremely bummed out about this. Like negative Nellie thoughts seeping into my brain thoughts.Which doesn't help anyone, especially me. I haven't been focused on what I have been putting into my body so that is definitely a deciding factor in my body's current state. So I am going to start counting calories again. Nothing Nazi ish like in college when I got sick, but some sort of structure to my intake.

Money: Last month was great/rough. Husband and I drove about twice as much as we normally do since we were traveling to see Bro Bro and his family. Plus, our entertainment budget went through the roof thanks to that as well as our grocery budget as I was buying stuff to make cookies etc for my family.

Groupon: Best thing I could have ever done. 24 classes at the BAC and I have been introduced to SPIN. Life literally changed. I have never sweated as much as in that class and so I know my heart rate is up and I think I love it. Now if I can start going 3 times a week, think about that would do for my heart and stamina?

So there is the check in. Open and honest. I have remember to not be depressed about my set backs, but the trudge on with fervent and sustainable desire to change my body and my mind for the long term.

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