Friday, March 20, 2015

Personal Post: Week 2 Weigh In for 31 by 31

**This is a personal post for me. Please disregard if you are looking for super awesome food and recipe options**

One of my goals for 31 by 31 was to lose weight. To get to a "pre baby weight" so that when I did get preggers that I would feel comfortable at my +20 pounds of baby weight.

I started at last April at 143.7 pounds and my goal was to get to (or under) 130 pounds....

Well, over the last 11 months, I managed to get down to 135 pounds in June of last year. I was eating well enough then plus I was training for my 10k. Then I stopped worried about nutrition, the holidays hit, and I feel out of the running gig.

So on March 10th, when I weighed myself to see that I was 145.7, I was very excited. I decided that for the rest of lent (and until I move) that I would be doing South Beach Phase 1. That will be 5 weeks of solid, hard work. No Alcohol, No Bread, No Pasta, No Sugar, No Flour, No Fruit, No Carbs...

I have broken up the 15-16 pounds I would like to lose into Milestones in order to celebrate the small victories. Each Milestone is 2 pounds lost. As there are 8 Milestones, I should clarify that NO I don't think that I should/could/would be able to hit all of these Milestones (lose 16 pounds) in the next 5 weeks. That would be SUPER unhealthy. I feel like a reasonable goal is to hit Milestone 4 (8 pounds) and an ultimate goal over the next 5 weeks is to hit Milestone 5 (10 pounds).

They are as follows:
144 - Milestone 1 - 1.7 pounds lost
142 - Milestone 2 - 3.7 pounds lost
140 - Milestone 3 - 5.7 pounds lost
138 - Milestone 4 - 7.7 pounds lost
136 - Milestone 5 - 9.7 pounds lost
134 - Milestone 6 - 11.7 pounds lost
132 - Milestone 7 - 13.7 pounds lost
130 - Milestone 8 - 15.7 pounds lost

As mentioned above, I started this on March 10th so 
here is my up-to-date-ness of Week 1 and part of Week 2::

Week 1
March 10 - 145.7 pounds
March 11 - 145.7 pounds
March 12 - 144.6 pounds < .9 pound down>
March 13 - 144.6 pounds <same>
March 14 - 143.7 pounds < .9 pound down>  Milestone 1 Reached!!
March 15 - 143.7 pounds
March 16 - 143.5 pounds < .2 pound down>

Week 2
March 17 - 142.4 pounds < .9 pound down> (St Patrick's)
< I did break diet today with "Festive" Beverages...less the a great choice, but necessary to not feel like a completely ass as we were out at our favorite Irish restaurant in Burbank. >
March 18 - 141.3 pounds < .9 pound down> - Milestone 2 Reached!!
March 19 - 142.2 pounds <.9 pounds up>
March 20 - 141.5 pounds <.7 pounds down>

A total of 4.2 pounds down and 2 Milestones Reached in the 11 days.

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