Thursday, January 22, 2015

Time to reassess decisions made in the heat of the season...

Some of you may have read the Our Holiday Traditions Post I made back in December about making traditions for my new family, my Husband and I. While looking at how to live with less, I found
this post about simplifying your life at the Holidays.

Here is her list of how to Simplify the Holidays:

What are the top 5 things Husband and I like about the holiday? Right it down and stick to the list as a way to funnel what to try to accomplish and what to not worry about.
This is hard for people of my age range, but check it out: you don't have to do all the things you see on Pinterest or Buzz Feed. If it doesn't fit in the list, reassess if it is something you "HAVE" to do over the stressful holiday season
What don't you like about the holidays? Figure out how to either not have to do those tasks or simplify them so that they are bearable.

I looked at this list in conjunction with my list and I feel like I have made the right choices.

An Advent Calendar is easily purchased and keeps the reason for the season mind. I don't have to make one from scratch every year nor do I need to make one (unless I want to) at all! Simple.

I received a German Pickle this year for Christmas from my In Loves. As having a Christmas Tree and decorating it, I think that this will also be a basic tradition to keep with little to no extra stress.

Having cards out and all the gifts purchased by December 6th seems stressful to most people I would think, but it shouldn't be. Christmas comes at the same time every year. Both Husband and I keep lists for each other (and our family and close friends) throughout the year of what we should get for said person, so we are never scrambling on what to get. Occasionally, I pick up Christmas gifts in the middle of Summer knowing the receiver will like it come December. Regularly, I have a Christmas list started for anyone we would be getting presents for come Halloween. Just don't leave it till the end. The eat an orange flavored something is hugely necessary but as I am in charge of the kitchen, very easy to accomplish.

Having a real wreath is just remembering to order it and shelling out the cash. It bring joy to our house so there isn't a reason to not invest is such a simple thing.

Watch National Lampoons:Christmas Vacation and enjoy homemade Egg Nog in our Mouse Head Mugs. This just gets us in the mood to decorate our tree. Again, a very basic task for the Holidays for us.

Cleaning out our closets and living spaces is an incredibly smart idea for us as we are striving to live with less. My guess is that this will be the "hardest", but the most satisfying "chore".

Looking over our Traditions outside of the holiday has cemented the idea that my goals for the season are reasonable. I feel incredibly confident that my choices are good and solid.

What is the thing you look forward to at the holidays?

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