Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Assessing 41 Things to Do Before You Have a Baby List

There is a list float around on Pinterest from The Nest of 41 Things to Do Before You Have a Baby.
I figured since Husband and I have Baby on the Brain, that I should take a peek at it and assess our standing with it:

1) Purchase your dream car
This won't happen. Husband and I aren't really concerned about have THAT car. I would say our "dream car" is very attainable as a family vehicle. Collectively, we want heated (and possibly vented) seats, memory setting for the mirrors and seats (Husband and I have 1.5 foot difference in heights), and something comfortable seats 5-6 people without being a mini van. Yeah, totally attainable as a family car. Now buying my dream Vespa is a different story.

2) Buy a house
This is on the list to be accomplished before we get preggers. Otherwise that would mean that we would be preggers while looking for a house, which sounds uber stressful.

3) Take at least 1 dream vacation
I hope that this will happen, but I am doubtful simply because of the "buying a house thing" that also needs to happen. I am also not scared about leaving the kiddo with Auntie or Grandma while we take a week trip to Europe. That being said, we have done a good bit of travel in our first year and a half.

4) Take a cross country trip
This is happening simply because we are driving from LA to StL. We are very excited to Drive Route 66 and see the Grand Canyon and such, even if it isn't exactly a "vacation".

5) Go to Disneyland and act like kids
HAH. Done and DONE. Like a solid 75 times.

6) Establish your career
Yeah, this is a toughie. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up really. I feel like Husband has been doing that, but it is ALL gonna change when we move.

7) Decide if you want to be a stay at home mom
TBD due to the move.

8) Have crazy care free marital duties *ahem*
My family and possibly my niblings read this blog. Let's just say we are practicing.

9) Address problems in the relationship
This is a DUH to me. We are pretty much constantly doing this. While we were hearing the family next door (through the wall) have a screaming fight yesterday, I looked at Husband and said "I'm glad that we are able to talk about things calmly for the most part". He agreed.

10) Discuss how we will raise the child
We do this ALL the time.

11) Be spontaneous
This is hard for me in general, but I would say that there have been a few select days were we just decided to go do something very out of the ordinary.

12) Enjoy an all nighter
Did this New Years Eve of 2015. Yup, it is offical: I would rather take the time and be fully rested while I can be then feel like I have been up every hour with a newborn.

13) Invite a friend's child to stay the night (or your nibling)
Not sure when this would really work out to happen as no one near by has kids. I feel like spending the day at Disneyland with my niece was pretty decent training for that feeling of responsibility. Perhaps this March-mas when Bro Bro is in town with Thing 1 and Thing 2, something like this can happen. But not likely with Poppa Bear coming out for this conference thing and Broder coming out to visit them as well.

14) Enjoy a movie marathon at a movie theatre
This is a REALLY good point that I hadn't thought of before I saw this list. I will have to think long and hard about when we could do something like this. Esp before we move as the movie theatre here is right next to good places for food and shopping in between movies.

15) Start and finish any major home renovation projects
Not sure that this will happen exactly as we don't yet own a home. I will be shooting for this as I know that I don't like the idea of something super important being left undone.

16) Get rid of clutter
This has already begun for the new year and while we are packing for moving (and then unpacking) I think that this will all get done. I am the biggest culprit of this sin though, so it is up to me.

17) Enjoy weekly nights out with friends
Done and done. Like a lot a lot.

18) Relocate to your dream city
What about "relocate FROM your dream city"? While I don't like LA a ton, California is pretty much my favorite place to live what with the beach, the sun, Disneyland, and fun life style. Relocating to the sensible city (StL) makes more sense for us now.

19) Make a list of books you want to read...and then READ THEM
The "read them" part is the tricky part. I get into a really great rhythm of reading and then I get distracted with video games or writing my blog or organize my coin collection. I need to set aside an hour a week to read. That might be my next 2015 resolution, actually.

20) Have at least one big adventure 
When they say adventure, they mean do something that some might consider risky. We have ziplined several times and I am hoping that we can go Hot Air Ballooning soon. That is about as risky as we get.

21) Spend an entire day with each set grandparents
This can't really happen as between the two of us, we have one grandparent left. Husbands Maternal Grandfather. We will be (and in turn, have) seeing him most mornings for an hour or so when we are living with my In Loves as he comes over for coffee more mornings.

22) Enjoy a splurge
They mean like go to a pricey restaurant or stay in a fancy hotel, etc. We do have a little fun occasionally of that nature, but right now our "splurge" is trying to get to most, if not all, the sit downs at the Disneyland Resort.

23) Become a yogi, kick boxer, or run a half marathon (aka fitness routine)
I really like this suggestion. I have started running (and since, sorta stopped, gotta get back on the wagon), but I wonder what Husband will do for fitness. He is a tall guy and normally his work has him lifting and hauling and walking quite a bit. I am not sure that it will be like that in StL. I should start that conversation with him.

24) Take cruise together (aka make sure you can have your spouse for company and be happy)
Done and Done. Thank you, Honeymoon!

25) Preform a random act of kindness
We do charity and volunteer work...I fell like that counts?

26) Plan and hot a surprise party
I did so for Husband's 30th and my Poppa Bear's 70th. Super Awesome.

27) Save a 12 month emergency fund
This is hard to do with saving for a down payment of a house.

28) Kiss under a water fall
So sappy (and so done).

29) Go camping
I need to do this. Husband expressed a desire to do this and Best Friends are avid campers. Gotta take advantage.

30) Take a cooking class together
I would like to do something like this, but I think I MIGHT take over.

31) Go to a major sporting event together
We have done this a few times, and I think we will do it much more often when we can watch the Cardinals regularly.

32) Wear your most expensive clothes as often as possible
We are the dapperest people in our group of friends. I think this one is done.

33) Take a career risk
I think leaving a job, moving cross country where I have few to no connections, and then figure out what the heck to do is pretty much the biggest risk there is.

34) Develop a hobby
Story of my life. I have too many hoobies. I should whittle it down to like 2-3. hmm whittling...that sounds pretty cool. (see what I mean)

35) Turn your extra bed room into something great, before it becomes a nursery
Hopefully, we will have TWO extra bed rooms so I can still do this.

36) Do something outrageously nice for your parents
I did this for my dad when I planned his 70th birthday surprise party.We really should

37) Make a restaurant passport and do it
I need to do this for both LA and StL. I will try to do it for both places in the next month.

38) Savor your alone time
DOne and done. Even now when Husband works.

39) Enjoy boozy and long brunches
I need to do this. All the time.

40) Fly first class
I doubt this will ever happen. Unless I get a surplus of points some how for an upgrade.

41) Shut down a party or restaurant 
I know we have done this, so huzzah!

So I have a few things I need to work on, but most of these things are either done, or will fall into place before having a kid.

Bucket List Prior to Child:
Make and Complete My Reading List.
Decide what I really want to be when I grow up.
Do something Spontaneous at least once a week.
Do a movie marathon at the theatre.
Clean out all the things.
Do something "risky" (like hot air ballooning...).
Continue to be a runner again.
Plan a camping trip.
Take a cooking class together.
Do something where I get to wear my wedding dress in public again.
Try all the hobbies and figure out which are my favorite.
Make an LA and StL Restaurant Passport.
Do something Awesome for our parents.
Start earning miles with a airline that we can upgrade to first class.

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