A place for experimentation in cooking, baking, crafting, cosplay, and pretty much anything else that strikes my fancy.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Food for thought.
As you have noticed (or perhaps as I have noticed over the course of this month), I do more than just hang out in the kitchen. While I LOVE cooking and making new things, I also like easy favorites that I don't have to think about cooking. Hence the year this far as been full of non cooking related posts.
This year kicked off with a failure at breakfast, which was a bummer, but not is such away that I was disheartened. I made a bunch of pork dishes as pork was inexpensive
I got a reconnect to theatre, the women who inspire me, and with my best friend, Mugsy.
I have been working really hard on assessing what is important in my life. I guess 2015 so far has been a soul search month. Less food for tummies and more food for thought.
I have started a life long journey to live with less and live a tidy life. I have planned a trip for 3 people to Lancaster and Philadelphia, PA as well as Washington, D.C. and I am preparing for a move cross country with the least amount of stress I can muster.
I have been a bit sick and I have gotten to reflect on why I live the way I do, what fuels me to be better, why I have a tendency to fall back into old and bad habits.
This year so far has been good for exercise, but not for diet.
It has been good for thinking, but not acting.
It so far has been a year of setting up good habits that need to be kept.
I am very much in a limbo and yet in a final count down.
It is a really weird place to be.
I am happy to be traveling through it and not to be stuck here.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Not feeling well...
Nothing much to say today.
Thinking about happier days at Disneyland and day dreaming of many happy returns. Here are some pictures from my last trip to Disneyland.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
How to get out of the late winter rut.
So that thing that happens, has happened.
Every January/February, I come down off the high of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I get a bit cranky, a lot unmotivated, and just a bit "grubby". I know that this is a common occurrence, but that it isn't anything to worry too much over, but I have been so behind, consistently with my blog, chores, lack luster in my work outs when I don't have some one there with me.
So how do I fix this feeling? Obviously, change something up. Either start a new challenge or project. Use my down time in a different way that I have been. Make plans for a date my husband. Clean out all the things! Make a To Do list and don't beat myself up if not everything gets done.
So here is my current list to pull me out of this quagmire I have found myself in:
1) Workout every day except Sunday and get the endorphins going!
Every January/February, I come down off the high of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I get a bit cranky, a lot unmotivated, and just a bit "grubby". I know that this is a common occurrence, but that it isn't anything to worry too much over, but I have been so behind, consistently with my blog, chores, lack luster in my work outs when I don't have some one there with me.
So how do I fix this feeling? Obviously, change something up. Either start a new challenge or project. Use my down time in a different way that I have been. Make plans for a date my husband. Clean out all the things! Make a To Do list and don't beat myself up if not everything gets done.
So here is my current list to pull me out of this quagmire I have found myself in:
1) Workout every day except Sunday and get the endorphins going!
2) Complete my long in coming Honeymoon Scrapbook.
3) Plan a trip to Sonoma/Sunnyvale/San Fran to see the 2 Californian Missions up there.
4) Spa Day - Massage or Mud Bath or something.
5) Make a date with Husband to go to the last LA Mission.
6) Take a new Fitness Class like pole or lyra.
7) Take Disney Tour (Decide on a tour and a date)
8) Challenge myself to something new in the kitchen.
9) Plan an adventure day with Husband - Hot Air Ballooning, Ziplinging, etc
10) Read More... Finish A Tale of Two Cities and then finally start and finish The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick
Rothfuss. Then Bossypants, some brain trash a la Sookie Stackhouse, then some Dresden Files, and then finish off the Mortal Instruments Series.
Let's see if this will "fix me".
Monday, January 26, 2015
BFMH: Quick and Easy Migas
I had time to make breakfast for Husband actually ON Saturday for the first time in a long time.
Of course, it is also the end of the month so I am trying to not go back to the grocery store until next weekend. So what is a gal to do? Look in her fridge and figure out what we have available to us.
That is how I chose this weekend's breakfast.
6 large eggs
¼ cup milk
1 cup salsa
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
5 oz. thick tortilla strips
¼ bunch cilantro, chopped
1 Tbsp butter
3 chopped green onions
to taste salt and pepper
Saute the green onions in 1 Tbsp of butter over medium
heat until they are soft (2-3 minutes). While the onions are cooking, whisk
together the eggs and milk.
Once the onions are soft, pour the egg mixture over top
and let it cook (without stirring) until the edges are “set” (this means
cooked/turned solid… see photos below). Once the edges are set, use your
spatula to pull the edges in toward the center of the pan, letting the
unset/liquid egg flow back onto the surface of the pan. Repeat this process
until almost all of the egg mixture is set/cooked. Move on to the next step
when the egg mixture is still moist and glistening but is mostly cooked. If you
cook it until it is dry at this step, your end product will be over cooked and
super dry. Yuck.
Pour the salsa on the eggs and gently fold in (be careful
not to over stir, you’ll end up with pellet like scrambled eggs). Add the
tortilla strips and gently fold in. The tortilla strips will soften and reduce
in volume as they are mixed in so don’t worry if your pan seems to be over
flowing at first!
Sprinkle the top of your migas with shredded cheese and
freshly chopped cilantro. Serve while it is still hot and moist!
I didn't have green onion, so instead I sauteed up some regular onion. These were delicious! Husband was stoked to get to have a sit down with me and that it included yummy food. A very successful morning if I do say so myself.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Week 12 of #100daysofthanksgiving
Week 12
Day 78: 1/17: Thankful for the trend that is a Moscow Mule.
Day 79: 1/18: Thankful for the Mimosa Bar.
Day 80: 1/19: Thankful for a weekend with Bam and Tam.
Day 81: 1/20: Thankful for the I <3 Disney Group for sending Disney inspiration to me daily.
Day 82: 1/21: Thankful for Tam sharing his knowledge of the Granny square. Now I just need to make 256 of them for our someday maybe King Size Bed.
Day 83: 1/22: Thankful for a lovely sunset while I am stuck in traffic on Magnolia.
Day 84: 1/23: Thankful that my hair is getting long enough to set again.
Day 78: 1/17: Thankful for the trend that is a Moscow Mule.
Day 79: 1/18: Thankful for the Mimosa Bar.
Day 83: 1/22: Thankful for a lovely sunset while I am stuck in traffic on Magnolia.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Time to reassess decisions made in the heat of the season...
Some of you may have read the Our Holiday Traditions Post I made back in December about making traditions for my new family, my Husband and I. While looking at how to live with less, I found
this post about simplifying your life at the Holidays.
Here is her list of how to Simplify the Holidays:
What are the top 5 things Husband and I like about the holiday? Right it down and stick to the list as a way to funnel what to try to accomplish and what to not worry about.
This is hard for people of my age range, but check it out: you don't have to do all the things you see on Pinterest or Buzz Feed. If it doesn't fit in the list, reassess if it is something you "HAVE" to do over the stressful holiday season
What don't you like about the holidays? Figure out how to either not have to do those tasks or simplify them so that they are bearable.
I looked at this list in conjunction with my list and I feel like I have made the right choices.
An Advent Calendar is easily purchased and keeps the reason for the season mind. I don't have to make one from scratch every year nor do I need to make one (unless I want to) at all! Simple.
I received a German Pickle this year for Christmas from my In Loves. As having a Christmas Tree and decorating it, I think that this will also be a basic tradition to keep with little to no extra stress.
Having cards out and all the gifts purchased by December 6th seems stressful to most people I would think, but it shouldn't be. Christmas comes at the same time every year. Both Husband and I keep lists for each other (and our family and close friends) throughout the year of what we should get for said person, so we are never scrambling on what to get. Occasionally, I pick up Christmas gifts in the middle of Summer knowing the receiver will like it come December. Regularly, I have a Christmas list started for anyone we would be getting presents for come Halloween. Just don't leave it till the end. The eat an orange flavored something is hugely necessary but as I am in charge of the kitchen, very easy to accomplish.
Having a real wreath is just remembering to order it and shelling out the cash. It bring joy to our house so there isn't a reason to not invest is such a simple thing.
Watch National Lampoons:Christmas Vacation and enjoy homemade Egg Nog in our Mouse Head Mugs. This just gets us in the mood to decorate our tree. Again, a very basic task for the Holidays for us.
Cleaning out our closets and living spaces is an incredibly smart idea for us as we are striving to live with less. My guess is that this will be the "hardest", but the most satisfying "chore".
Looking over our Traditions outside of the holiday has cemented the idea that my goals for the season are reasonable. I feel incredibly confident that my choices are good and solid.
What is the thing you look forward to at the holidays?
this post about simplifying your life at the Holidays.
Here is her list of how to Simplify the Holidays:
What are the top 5 things Husband and I like about the holiday? Right it down and stick to the list as a way to funnel what to try to accomplish and what to not worry about.
This is hard for people of my age range, but check it out: you don't have to do all the things you see on Pinterest or Buzz Feed. If it doesn't fit in the list, reassess if it is something you "HAVE" to do over the stressful holiday season
What don't you like about the holidays? Figure out how to either not have to do those tasks or simplify them so that they are bearable.
I looked at this list in conjunction with my list and I feel like I have made the right choices.
An Advent Calendar is easily purchased and keeps the reason for the season mind. I don't have to make one from scratch every year nor do I need to make one (unless I want to) at all! Simple.
I received a German Pickle this year for Christmas from my In Loves. As having a Christmas Tree and decorating it, I think that this will also be a basic tradition to keep with little to no extra stress.
Having cards out and all the gifts purchased by December 6th seems stressful to most people I would think, but it shouldn't be. Christmas comes at the same time every year. Both Husband and I keep lists for each other (and our family and close friends) throughout the year of what we should get for said person, so we are never scrambling on what to get. Occasionally, I pick up Christmas gifts in the middle of Summer knowing the receiver will like it come December. Regularly, I have a Christmas list started for anyone we would be getting presents for come Halloween. Just don't leave it till the end. The eat an orange flavored something is hugely necessary but as I am in charge of the kitchen, very easy to accomplish.
Having a real wreath is just remembering to order it and shelling out the cash. It bring joy to our house so there isn't a reason to not invest is such a simple thing.
Watch National Lampoons:Christmas Vacation and enjoy homemade Egg Nog in our Mouse Head Mugs. This just gets us in the mood to decorate our tree. Again, a very basic task for the Holidays for us.
Cleaning out our closets and living spaces is an incredibly smart idea for us as we are striving to live with less. My guess is that this will be the "hardest", but the most satisfying "chore".
Looking over our Traditions outside of the holiday has cemented the idea that my goals for the season are reasonable. I feel incredibly confident that my choices are good and solid.
What is the thing you look forward to at the holidays?
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Living Minimally and Frugally: Part 2
Here is a list of the tips and notes that I have gathered while learning and starting this crazy thing called living with less:
Notes for Decluttering Your Home:
Remove 1/3 of your
When you are selling a home, I am told that typically
Real Estate agents ask you to get rid of a third of your possession to make the
house presentable. This allows a room to feel light and it feels much less
stressful for everyday living. This makes sense, logically. There is no
constant clean up and reorganizing. If you find yourself using that word again
and again for an area that you have already organized, there is a great chance
that you just have too much stuff.
Find a home for
everything. Draw boundaries and keep like with like.
Husband and I are in a 2 bedroom apartment. This means
that the second bedroom is the Office/Craft/ Guest Room. This really means that
it has the most buildup of stuff. I learned that having a room with very
specific title is helpful in larger homes. If it is a game room, only game room
stuff should be in there. An Office, keep it just office. You get the idea. Unfortunately,
that isn’t an option in our currently living situation. So I have embarked on a great declutteration. On
my desk, can only live the items needed to work my computer, in the left
closet, clear and concisely labeled totes holding minimal and well organized
crafting/sewing/crocheting/scrapbooking supplies. Don’t buy new stuff for any
of those activities until they previously planned activity is completed. No piles on the futon/guest bed. Simple,
right? Allow the space to limit what you have. This drawer is for X,Y,Z. If it
doesn’t fit, you don’t need it. Don’t go buy more bookshelves, don’t go get a
bigger box to shove in the nonexistent closet space. Make a choice to keep
No piles
This is a hard one, but, trust me, it makes life so
simple if you get out of the habit of oiling. It is something terribly difficult
for me to let go of, but when I am not piling that means things are getting to
their designated Home and reduces buildup.
Declutter counter
tops, cupboards, and drawers.
Don’t make yourself have to dig through a box or drawer
to find that it wasn’t there. You don’t need 12 notepads and 56 pens. Get rid
of excess. Donate, take it to work, or just use it up and don’t buy any more of
X,Y,Z. If the Counter top are tidy, they will be easier to clean and much less
daunting to keep up with. Much like an article of clothing: If you haven’t use
it in a year, get rid of it.
Be intentional
with your decorations.
Be thoughtful with what is up on your walls and on your surfaces.
If it has meaning, keep it. If it is a gift and you don’t really like it, you
DON’T have to keep it. Be selective with
what your choose to put on display and represent you.
Minimize Furniture
If you don’t use that chair regularly, get rid of it and
make space for some breathing room. If you have a cabinet full of China and Stemware
you never use, reconsider having it in the first place.
Basic Notes on How
to Declutter Typically Cluttered Areas:
Medicine cabinet
Clean out an expired or outdated medicine, makeup, first
aid ointments, toothpaste, etc. Decide to reduce what it kept in there. For
example: If you have 3 partially used toothpastes, choose one to use up first put
the others in a designated back up area. Don’t forget to check there before you
go out and buy another! Hair supplies are great, but you don’t need product to
last you for the next 50 years as back up. Clear it out.
Under the Sink
Cleaning products are the secret villain. Does the
product work and you use it? Great! Keep it! Used it twice and it doesn’t quite
do it? Get rid of it. Oh and all those Mini Toiletries? Keep one easy to refill set for when you have guests come to stay and through a set into your gym bag if you shower at the gym. Other wise: Dump like with the like into a container and use it up. Get rid of all the extras.
Linen closet
People tend to have too many towel, quilts, blankets, and
sheets. Donate them to Goodwill, Salvation army, or the local pet shelter. You
don’t need that many. Trust me.
This one is pretty straightforward. Get rid of clothes
that you don’t wear or that don’t fit anymore. Seriously, if you have been “working
on getting that skinny again” for that past year and you haven’t worn it, then
get rid of it. If the “I haven’t worn it in a year and it isn’t my wedding
dress” technique doesn’t work on you, try this trick: Turn all your hangers “the
wrong way” and in a month’s time, see what you haven’t turned back around. I
did this at the beginning of 2015 and I have been able to be honest with myself
about what I will wear and won’t. Granted, my winter and summer wardrobe is
very similar as I live in SoCal so I am able to do this in the middle of
January. Do this over the course of a season if you live some place with 4 of
them. It will do wonders!
Clean out
OMGLOB, I am the worst about my nightstand. It is a catch
all. Things I clean out from my purse, geegews from conventions, keepsakes,
that don’t have a home yet. They all make it into the Black Hole that is my
night stand. I keep a night stand with a drawer, but the only things allowed in
said drawer is the book I am currently reading, a journal and a pencil, and my Sudoku
Office closet
Like I said before, you don’t all the pens you accidently
stole from Hotels and Banks. Get rid of them. Take them to work, pop them in
your purse and live and extra one for your server next time you go out to eat. Note
pads, put them where they will be used and focus on using up one first (like
the toothpaste) if you are an avid user of them. You catch my drift.
Craft Box
I have made some cool stuff in my life, but now, 5 years
later, I don’t have any distinct plans for the rest of the string of beads.
Donate it unless you know (and have plans to accomplish) what you want to do
with it.
Kitchen cabinets
You don’t need all those drinking cups, coffee mugs, Martini,
Highball, Wine glasses, and souvenir sippers. Asses what you use regularly and
get rid of what you don’t. I give you permission.
Kitchen drawers
TUPPERWARE! Keep only full pairs and sizes you find you
use. They take up space and they are an easy thing to horde. Gidgets and
gadgets, if you only use them once day a year, are they really worth having
around the other 364 days of it? Weigh your options. I use all my kitchen gadgets
regularly, so there are very few I would go without, but we also don’t have a
buildup of plates and glasses to contend with.
Will you really reread it? Be like Admiral Adama in
Battlestar Galatica: “It’s a gift. Never lend books.” Besides, isn’t there a
local Library that you can utilize?
Email / Computer
This is an easy thing not to think of. For Email, after I
read it, I delete it if I don’t need any info with in it. Unsubscribe to the
shop emails. If you don’t need it, don’t shop for it via their advertisements. Clean
up your music and photo files into clear folders to mak
e your life easier when
you want to share it. Don’t keep doubles and be diligent. Do you still really
need papers you wrote back in High School Class of ’02? No, you don’t. Clear up
the Hard drive and your system will run smoother.
How many do you really need? One big, one small, done.
Burn them, use them, don’t just save them for special occasions.
They are easy things to horde.
Now that you have
rid yourself of the extra……
After you manage to get rid of things though, you have to
remember not to build it all back up again. Don’t go needlessly, mindlessly
shopping. Make a list and stick to it. Don’t buy the cute dress because it is
on sale! Only buy it if you need to replace your dress “Cute summer Dress that
can go from Day to Evening”. You get me? This will help your finances which
will help with your stress level as well!
If it ain’t broke, don’t buy a replacement. In turn, if
it does break, consider it you really need a replacement. For example, our
Microwave seemingly died for 3 days and we decided that we really didn’t need
to replace it (we figured out that it was just the outlet later, long story).
Heating things up on the stove or in the oven was just as easy, and we don’t
really live and “hustle bustle quick eat” life style. Though it is working
again, it may not make the cut to move back to St Louis with us when the time
Remember, they less you have, the less you have to CLEAN!
It is so freeing. Getting rid of the extra will give you extra time in the future.
No, this will not be an overnight endeavor, but I have my Husband on board and we are a united front.This
will take months obtain and a lifetime to prefect, but there is no better time
than now to start. I am tackling it room by room, systematically. I Am
finishing the living room today and will
be starting the kitchen this weekend. Then the office starting with the closets
and then the desk space. I have been using the “backwards hanger” technique
since January 4th so by Valentine’s day, I should have a cleaned out
closet. I am hoping to have gotten through all the things by the end of February so I can do it all again for packing up our home over the course of March.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Living Minimally and Frugally: Part 1
I find I have been in a bit of a rut lately.
Husband and I had a lovely 3 day weekend visiting with friends in San Diego. I get back to Burbank and I am so uninterested in writing. I have made some interesting dishes lately, but add on P90 and my desire to finish Dragon Age 2, you just aren't going to get a bunch of quality writing out of me.
I did learn something while I was away. Staying at Bam and Tam's house this past weekend, I realize that Husband and I live with a lot of stuff out and about. The BT household is an incredibly tidy one, free of extra things, light on knick knacks, and everything seems to have a place. Granted I have seen their garage, but knowing the couple, it is highly doubtful that it is heavy on "stuff".
So while we traveled back north, Husband and I had some serious conversations about our "stuff ratio". I know that I am the pack rat of the relationship. That comes from a childhood of keepsake boxes, a desire to memorize memories from an object (especially after my mother passed), and the lack of discipline of getting rid of things not needed. I come from a father whose mother kept everything just in case. Even with a basement bursting with things at the time of Grandma's passing, so was her bank account. The paternal grandparents never lived with too much, only just enough and incredibly frugally. I, unfortunately, learned the "keep it till you need it" mentality from that and not the practice of using the things in order to go without the new things.
My maternal grandparents, on the other hand, while living in a 1,100 sq ft (approximately) home, managed to keep SO much stuff as well. Both English Majors and lovers of books and art, their home was brimming with it, nay stuffed with it. From them, I learned the love of Decor (aka knick knacks) and the abundance of things on the walls. I like lived in homes that reflect who lives there. The thing I didn't know until recently is that a home doesn't have to be flooded with character, it just needs a taste.
Both Grandparents, while being keepers of stuff and things, have taught me inadvertently that I don't really NEED all the things. Mainly because I have seen the great "go through" that my family has had to do since they decided to keep things. In a few cases, that has proven to be helpful as I don't have to "fight" over things with my siblings for that one keepsake I want. Granted, I don't need all of those keepsakes. That is where I run into problems.
Coming back to Bam and Tam's house: They have 2 or 3 things that are specifically Heirlooms that they display in a place of honor in their home. They don't bog down every space with "this belonged to what's her name my mother's step sisters grand aunt" and "this was given to me by whosiewhatit". It was refreshing. It makes Husband and I want to live more want less lives. So we decided, especially since we plan on moving in April, to start purging.
We started in our living room area the day we got home from Bam and Tam's. I went through my junk drawer, cleaned up the coffee table shelf, looked at the counter tops and got rid of things that were on display that weren't meaningful to us. We still need to go through the books (I don't think that we will have much to get rid of with that section as we have pared it down quite a bit over the last year) and make sure everything we have we use in the world of media.
Husband is totally on board with this. As I mentioned before, I am the pack rat of the relationship, but he isn't a natural born minimalist. He just grew up having fewer things. Not that he was wanting or anything, but he doesn't really buy things frivolously and he gets rid of things easier than I do.I am excited to embark on this adventure with him.
Tune in tomorrow for my compiled list of tips and suggestions for living with less.
Husband and I had a lovely 3 day weekend visiting with friends in San Diego. I get back to Burbank and I am so uninterested in writing. I have made some interesting dishes lately, but add on P90 and my desire to finish Dragon Age 2, you just aren't going to get a bunch of quality writing out of me.
I did learn something while I was away. Staying at Bam and Tam's house this past weekend, I realize that Husband and I live with a lot of stuff out and about. The BT household is an incredibly tidy one, free of extra things, light on knick knacks, and everything seems to have a place. Granted I have seen their garage, but knowing the couple, it is highly doubtful that it is heavy on "stuff".
So while we traveled back north, Husband and I had some serious conversations about our "stuff ratio". I know that I am the pack rat of the relationship. That comes from a childhood of keepsake boxes, a desire to memorize memories from an object (especially after my mother passed), and the lack of discipline of getting rid of things not needed. I come from a father whose mother kept everything just in case. Even with a basement bursting with things at the time of Grandma's passing, so was her bank account. The paternal grandparents never lived with too much, only just enough and incredibly frugally. I, unfortunately, learned the "keep it till you need it" mentality from that and not the practice of using the things in order to go without the new things.
My maternal grandparents, on the other hand, while living in a 1,100 sq ft (approximately) home, managed to keep SO much stuff as well. Both English Majors and lovers of books and art, their home was brimming with it, nay stuffed with it. From them, I learned the love of Decor (aka knick knacks) and the abundance of things on the walls. I like lived in homes that reflect who lives there. The thing I didn't know until recently is that a home doesn't have to be flooded with character, it just needs a taste.
Both Grandparents, while being keepers of stuff and things, have taught me inadvertently that I don't really NEED all the things. Mainly because I have seen the great "go through" that my family has had to do since they decided to keep things. In a few cases, that has proven to be helpful as I don't have to "fight" over things with my siblings for that one keepsake I want. Granted, I don't need all of those keepsakes. That is where I run into problems.
Coming back to Bam and Tam's house: They have 2 or 3 things that are specifically Heirlooms that they display in a place of honor in their home. They don't bog down every space with "this belonged to what's her name my mother's step sisters grand aunt" and "this was given to me by whosiewhatit". It was refreshing. It makes Husband and I want to live more want less lives. So we decided, especially since we plan on moving in April, to start purging.
We started in our living room area the day we got home from Bam and Tam's. I went through my junk drawer, cleaned up the coffee table shelf, looked at the counter tops and got rid of things that were on display that weren't meaningful to us. We still need to go through the books (I don't think that we will have much to get rid of with that section as we have pared it down quite a bit over the last year) and make sure everything we have we use in the world of media.
Husband is totally on board with this. As I mentioned before, I am the pack rat of the relationship, but he isn't a natural born minimalist. He just grew up having fewer things. Not that he was wanting or anything, but he doesn't really buy things frivolously and he gets rid of things easier than I do.I am excited to embark on this adventure with him.
Tune in tomorrow for my compiled list of tips and suggestions for living with less.
Monday, January 19, 2015
BFMH: Apple and Cheddar Frittata Recipe
So this ended up being Dinner instead of breakfast, but it turned out wonderfully!
Next time, I think I will add a bit more apple next time.
It worked out really well as it only took about 20 minutes to throw together and cook! Jut enough time to set up and learn and new game for our guest. :)
Apple and Cheddar Frittata Recipe
Next time, I think I will add a bit more apple next time.
It worked out really well as it only took about 20 minutes to throw together and cook! Jut enough time to set up and learn and new game for our guest. :)
Apple and Cheddar Frittata Recipe
8 large eggs plus 2 large egg whites
4 ounces white cheddar cheese, coarsely grated (1 cup)
Coarse salt and ground pepper
1 tablespoon butter
2 Gala apples, peeled, cored, and sliced lengthwise into 1/8-inch-thick pieces
Preheat oven to 450 degrees, with rack set in top third. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, and half the cheese; season with salt and pepper. In a medium cast-iron or nonstick ovenproof skillet, heat butter over medium. Add egg mixture; while it cooks, 1 to 2 minutes until edge is set, arrange apples on top in a circular pattern, starting from the outside edge, and sprinkle with remaining cheese.
Transfer skillet to oven. Bake until frittata is set in the center and cheese is browned, about 20 minutes. Using a rubber spatula, release frittata onto a cutting board; let rest 5 minutes. Cut into wedges and serve.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Going to Lancaster, PA
So we have some pretty wonderful friends getting married in Lancaster, PA over Memorial Day weekend. Having never been to Pennsylvania, I am excited to see some of this "Dutch Country" I keep hearing about.
So here this is what I found as things to do:
Historic Downtown Lancaster
Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery
So here this is what I found as things to do:
Historic Downtown Lancaster
23 North Market Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 735-6890
Saturday 6 am to 2 pm
1-3 West King St. Lancaster, PA 17602 717 392 1776
A walking tour of Downtown Lancaster. Allow 1-2 hours.
Check for coupons on Website. Cash only.
$7 at 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday
1120 Marietta Ave Lancaster, PA 17603 717 392 4633
The stately home of President James Buchanan and explore
the rooms, stairwells and stories where the secrets and details of his
political and personal life intersect.
Admission is typically $12
119 N Duke Street (at the corner of Orange and Duke Streets) Lancaster, PA
17602 717-397-4858
Beautiful stained glass and See gravestones from the
1700's and 1800's in this old cemetery behind the church.
118 North Water Street Suite 102 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 392-6011
The factory tour will take approximately 30 minutes.
Advanced reservations are required. Mon-Fri 9 AM - 4 PM Sat 9 AM - 2 PM.
Closed toed shoes and not tank tops
2451 Kissel Hill Road Lancaster, PA 17601 717 569 0401
A historic trip back to the early German settlements(Folk) in the area $10 for AAA Mon – Sat 9 – 5 and Sun 12 - 5Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery
219 East main Street Lititz, PA 17543-2011 717 626 4354
Make your own Preztel tour…..
$3.50 Closed on Sundays 9 - 5
632 West Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522
1732 German Religios Community with interesting
architecture and folk music, art, and history
Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12-5pm $9
2215 Millstream Rd Lancaster, PA 17602-1499 717 393 9745
Enjoy the walk-through exhibit area describing the
Mennonite way of life along with a free film in their theater. While there, you
can take advantage of their Coupon.
$5 Tuesday-Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
2395 Covered Bridge Drive
Lancaster, PA 17602
717 394 6185
A brief look into how the Amish live.
$10 admission 7 days a week 10-4
Yes, this is how I plan. It is a bit ridiculousness. Last night, I had a meeting about our 2 days in Washington D.C. which is going to be epic.
What sounds the most interesting to you?
What sounds the most interesting to you?
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Assessing 41 Things to Do Before You Have a Baby List
There is a list float around on Pinterest from The Nest of 41 Things to Do Before You Have a Baby.
I figured since Husband and I have Baby on the Brain, that I should take a peek at it and assess our standing with it:
1) Purchase your dream car
This won't happen. Husband and I aren't really concerned about have THAT car. I would say our "dream car" is very attainable as a family vehicle. Collectively, we want heated (and possibly vented) seats, memory setting for the mirrors and seats (Husband and I have 1.5 foot difference in heights), and something comfortable seats 5-6 people without being a mini van. Yeah, totally attainable as a family car. Now buying my dream Vespa is a different story.
2) Buy a house
This is on the list to be accomplished before we get preggers. Otherwise that would mean that we would be preggers while looking for a house, which sounds uber stressful.
3) Take at least 1 dream vacation
I hope that this will happen, but I am doubtful simply because of the "buying a house thing" that also needs to happen. I am also not scared about leaving the kiddo with Auntie or Grandma while we take a week trip to Europe. That being said, we have done a good bit of travel in our first year and a half.
4) Take a cross country trip
This is happening simply because we are driving from LA to StL. We are very excited to Drive Route 66 and see the Grand Canyon and such, even if it isn't exactly a "vacation".
5) Go to Disneyland and act like kids
HAH. Done and DONE. Like a solid 75 times.
6) Establish your career
Yeah, this is a toughie. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up really. I feel like Husband has been doing that, but it is ALL gonna change when we move.
7) Decide if you want to be a stay at home mom
TBD due to the move.
8) Have crazy care free marital duties *ahem*
My family and possibly my niblings read this blog. Let's just say we are practicing.
9) Address problems in the relationship
This is a DUH to me. We are pretty much constantly doing this. While we were hearing the family next door (through the wall) have a screaming fight yesterday, I looked at Husband and said "I'm glad that we are able to talk about things calmly for the most part". He agreed.
10) Discuss how we will raise the child
We do this ALL the time.
11) Be spontaneous
This is hard for me in general, but I would say that there have been a few select days were we just decided to go do something very out of the ordinary.
12) Enjoy an all nighter
Did this New Years Eve of 2015. Yup, it is offical: I would rather take the time and be fully rested while I can be then feel like I have been up every hour with a newborn.
13) Invite a friend's child to stay the night (or your nibling)
Not sure when this would really work out to happen as no one near by has kids. I feel like spending the day at Disneyland with my niece was pretty decent training for that feeling of responsibility. Perhaps this March-mas when Bro Bro is in town with Thing 1 and Thing 2, something like this can happen. But not likely with Poppa Bear coming out for this conference thing and Broder coming out to visit them as well.
14) Enjoy a movie marathon at a movie theatre
This is a REALLY good point that I hadn't thought of before I saw this list. I will have to think long and hard about when we could do something like this. Esp before we move as the movie theatre here is right next to good places for food and shopping in between movies.
15) Start and finish any major home renovation projects
Not sure that this will happen exactly as we don't yet own a home. I will be shooting for this as I know that I don't like the idea of something super important being left undone.
16) Get rid of clutter
This has already begun for the new year and while we are packing for moving (and then unpacking) I think that this will all get done. I am the biggest culprit of this sin though, so it is up to me.
17) Enjoy weekly nights out with friends
Done and done. Like a lot a lot.
18) Relocate to your dream city
What about "relocate FROM your dream city"? While I don't like LA a ton, California is pretty much my favorite place to live what with the beach, the sun, Disneyland, and fun life style. Relocating to the sensible city (StL) makes more sense for us now.
19) Make a list of books you want to read...and then READ THEM
The "read them" part is the tricky part. I get into a really great rhythm of reading and then I get distracted with video games or writing my blog or organize my coin collection. I need to set aside an hour a week to read. That might be my next 2015 resolution, actually.
20) Have at least one big adventure
When they say adventure, they mean do something that some might consider risky. We have ziplined several times and I am hoping that we can go Hot Air Ballooning soon. That is about as risky as we get.
21) Spend an entire day with each set grandparents
This can't really happen as between the two of us, we have one grandparent left. Husbands Maternal Grandfather. We will be (and in turn, have) seeing him most mornings for an hour or so when we are living with my In Loves as he comes over for coffee more mornings.
22) Enjoy a splurge
They mean like go to a pricey restaurant or stay in a fancy hotel, etc. We do have a little fun occasionally of that nature, but right now our "splurge" is trying to get to most, if not all, the sit downs at the Disneyland Resort.
23) Become a yogi, kick boxer, or run a half marathon (aka fitness routine)
I really like this suggestion. I have started running (and since, sorta stopped, gotta get back on the wagon), but I wonder what Husband will do for fitness. He is a tall guy and normally his work has him lifting and hauling and walking quite a bit. I am not sure that it will be like that in StL. I should start that conversation with him.
24) Take cruise together (aka make sure you can have your spouse for company and be happy)
Done and Done. Thank you, Honeymoon!
25) Preform a random act of kindness
We do charity and volunteer work...I fell like that counts?
26) Plan and hot a surprise party
I did so for Husband's 30th and my Poppa Bear's 70th. Super Awesome.
27) Save a 12 month emergency fund
This is hard to do with saving for a down payment of a house.
28) Kiss under a water fall
So sappy (and so done).
29) Go camping
I need to do this. Husband expressed a desire to do this and Best Friends are avid campers. Gotta take advantage.
30) Take a cooking class together
I would like to do something like this, but I think I MIGHT take over.
31) Go to a major sporting event together
We have done this a few times, and I think we will do it much more often when we can watch the Cardinals regularly.
32) Wear your most expensive clothes as often as possible
We are the dapperest people in our group of friends. I think this one is done.
33) Take a career risk
I think leaving a job, moving cross country where I have few to no connections, and then figure out what the heck to do is pretty much the biggest risk there is.
34) Develop a hobby
Story of my life. I have too many hoobies. I should whittle it down to like 2-3. hmm whittling...that sounds pretty cool. (see what I mean)
35) Turn your extra bed room into something great, before it becomes a nursery
Hopefully, we will have TWO extra bed rooms so I can still do this.
36) Do something outrageously nice for your parents
I did this for my dad when I planned his 70th birthday surprise party.We really should
37) Make a restaurant passport and do it
I need to do this for both LA and StL. I will try to do it for both places in the next month.
38) Savor your alone time
DOne and done. Even now when Husband works.
39) Enjoy boozy and long brunches
I need to do this. All the time.
40) Fly first class
I doubt this will ever happen. Unless I get a surplus of points some how for an upgrade.
41) Shut down a party or restaurant
I know we have done this, so huzzah!
So I have a few things I need to work on, but most of these things are either done, or will fall into place before having a kid.
Bucket List Prior to Child:
Make and Complete My Reading List.
Decide what I really want to be when I grow up.
Do something Spontaneous at least once a week.
Do a movie marathon at the theatre.
Clean out all the things.
Do something "risky" (like hot air ballooning...).
Continue to be a runner again.
Plan a camping trip.
Take a cooking class together.
Do something where I get to wear my wedding dress in public again.
Try all the hobbies and figure out which are my favorite.
Make an LA and StL Restaurant Passport.
Do something Awesome for our parents.
Start earning miles with a airline that we can upgrade to first class.
I figured since Husband and I have Baby on the Brain, that I should take a peek at it and assess our standing with it:
1) Purchase your dream car
This won't happen. Husband and I aren't really concerned about have THAT car. I would say our "dream car" is very attainable as a family vehicle. Collectively, we want heated (and possibly vented) seats, memory setting for the mirrors and seats (Husband and I have 1.5 foot difference in heights), and something comfortable seats 5-6 people without being a mini van. Yeah, totally attainable as a family car. Now buying my dream Vespa is a different story.
2) Buy a house
This is on the list to be accomplished before we get preggers. Otherwise that would mean that we would be preggers while looking for a house, which sounds uber stressful.
3) Take at least 1 dream vacation
I hope that this will happen, but I am doubtful simply because of the "buying a house thing" that also needs to happen. I am also not scared about leaving the kiddo with Auntie or Grandma while we take a week trip to Europe. That being said, we have done a good bit of travel in our first year and a half.
4) Take a cross country trip
This is happening simply because we are driving from LA to StL. We are very excited to Drive Route 66 and see the Grand Canyon and such, even if it isn't exactly a "vacation".
5) Go to Disneyland and act like kids
HAH. Done and DONE. Like a solid 75 times.
6) Establish your career
Yeah, this is a toughie. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up really. I feel like Husband has been doing that, but it is ALL gonna change when we move.
7) Decide if you want to be a stay at home mom
TBD due to the move.
8) Have crazy care free marital duties *ahem*
My family and possibly my niblings read this blog. Let's just say we are practicing.
9) Address problems in the relationship
This is a DUH to me. We are pretty much constantly doing this. While we were hearing the family next door (through the wall) have a screaming fight yesterday, I looked at Husband and said "I'm glad that we are able to talk about things calmly for the most part". He agreed.
10) Discuss how we will raise the child
We do this ALL the time.
11) Be spontaneous
This is hard for me in general, but I would say that there have been a few select days were we just decided to go do something very out of the ordinary.
12) Enjoy an all nighter
Did this New Years Eve of 2015. Yup, it is offical: I would rather take the time and be fully rested while I can be then feel like I have been up every hour with a newborn.
13) Invite a friend's child to stay the night (or your nibling)
Not sure when this would really work out to happen as no one near by has kids. I feel like spending the day at Disneyland with my niece was pretty decent training for that feeling of responsibility. Perhaps this March-mas when Bro Bro is in town with Thing 1 and Thing 2, something like this can happen. But not likely with Poppa Bear coming out for this conference thing and Broder coming out to visit them as well.
14) Enjoy a movie marathon at a movie theatre
This is a REALLY good point that I hadn't thought of before I saw this list. I will have to think long and hard about when we could do something like this. Esp before we move as the movie theatre here is right next to good places for food and shopping in between movies.
15) Start and finish any major home renovation projects
Not sure that this will happen exactly as we don't yet own a home. I will be shooting for this as I know that I don't like the idea of something super important being left undone.
16) Get rid of clutter
This has already begun for the new year and while we are packing for moving (and then unpacking) I think that this will all get done. I am the biggest culprit of this sin though, so it is up to me.
17) Enjoy weekly nights out with friends
Done and done. Like a lot a lot.
18) Relocate to your dream city
What about "relocate FROM your dream city"? While I don't like LA a ton, California is pretty much my favorite place to live what with the beach, the sun, Disneyland, and fun life style. Relocating to the sensible city (StL) makes more sense for us now.
19) Make a list of books you want to read...and then READ THEM
The "read them" part is the tricky part. I get into a really great rhythm of reading and then I get distracted with video games or writing my blog or organize my coin collection. I need to set aside an hour a week to read. That might be my next 2015 resolution, actually.
20) Have at least one big adventure
When they say adventure, they mean do something that some might consider risky. We have ziplined several times and I am hoping that we can go Hot Air Ballooning soon. That is about as risky as we get.
21) Spend an entire day with each set grandparents
This can't really happen as between the two of us, we have one grandparent left. Husbands Maternal Grandfather. We will be (and in turn, have) seeing him most mornings for an hour or so when we are living with my In Loves as he comes over for coffee more mornings.
22) Enjoy a splurge
They mean like go to a pricey restaurant or stay in a fancy hotel, etc. We do have a little fun occasionally of that nature, but right now our "splurge" is trying to get to most, if not all, the sit downs at the Disneyland Resort.
23) Become a yogi, kick boxer, or run a half marathon (aka fitness routine)
I really like this suggestion. I have started running (and since, sorta stopped, gotta get back on the wagon), but I wonder what Husband will do for fitness. He is a tall guy and normally his work has him lifting and hauling and walking quite a bit. I am not sure that it will be like that in StL. I should start that conversation with him.
24) Take cruise together (aka make sure you can have your spouse for company and be happy)
Done and Done. Thank you, Honeymoon!
25) Preform a random act of kindness
We do charity and volunteer work...I fell like that counts?
26) Plan and hot a surprise party
I did so for Husband's 30th and my Poppa Bear's 70th. Super Awesome.
27) Save a 12 month emergency fund
This is hard to do with saving for a down payment of a house.
28) Kiss under a water fall
So sappy (and so done).
29) Go camping
I need to do this. Husband expressed a desire to do this and Best Friends are avid campers. Gotta take advantage.
30) Take a cooking class together
I would like to do something like this, but I think I MIGHT take over.
31) Go to a major sporting event together
We have done this a few times, and I think we will do it much more often when we can watch the Cardinals regularly.
32) Wear your most expensive clothes as often as possible
We are the dapperest people in our group of friends. I think this one is done.
33) Take a career risk
I think leaving a job, moving cross country where I have few to no connections, and then figure out what the heck to do is pretty much the biggest risk there is.
34) Develop a hobby
Story of my life. I have too many hoobies. I should whittle it down to like 2-3. hmm whittling...that sounds pretty cool. (see what I mean)
35) Turn your extra bed room into something great, before it becomes a nursery
Hopefully, we will have TWO extra bed rooms so I can still do this.
36) Do something outrageously nice for your parents
I did this for my dad when I planned his 70th birthday surprise party.We really should
37) Make a restaurant passport and do it
I need to do this for both LA and StL. I will try to do it for both places in the next month.
38) Savor your alone time
DOne and done. Even now when Husband works.
39) Enjoy boozy and long brunches
I need to do this. All the time.
40) Fly first class
I doubt this will ever happen. Unless I get a surplus of points some how for an upgrade.
41) Shut down a party or restaurant
I know we have done this, so huzzah!
So I have a few things I need to work on, but most of these things are either done, or will fall into place before having a kid.
Bucket List Prior to Child:
Make and Complete My Reading List.
Decide what I really want to be when I grow up.
Do something Spontaneous at least once a week.
Do a movie marathon at the theatre.
Clean out all the things.
Do something "risky" (like hot air ballooning...).
Continue to be a runner again.
Plan a camping trip.
Take a cooking class together.
Do something where I get to wear my wedding dress in public again.
Try all the hobbies and figure out which are my favorite.
Make an LA and StL Restaurant Passport.
Do something Awesome for our parents.
Start earning miles with a airline that we can upgrade to first class.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Best Friendship at it's best
How did I not know about the most amazing TV Specials that are the result of an undying friendship between Carol Burnett and Julie Andrews? I feel so foolish that I missed this Best Friend Friendship.
They decided to do the most amazing special in 1962.
The History of Musical Comedy Medley
You're So London (a song about why they love each other)
The Pratt Family Singers (a play on The Sound of Music)
Ho Down Number
Nausiev Dancers
They got together to so another special in 1971 at the Lincoln Center:
Setting standards...
Delightful physical comedy
An 60's Music Medley for the records books
In 1989, they got together and did it AGAIN:
They deliver solid slapstick comedy.
They rock out this 70's and 80's Music Medley.
and then they RAP... *Mind Blown*
I think that they can do anything. Seriously.
They continue to make reference to their awesomeness 1999.
Julie got her Kennedy Honors in 2001 hosted by Carol.
Carol got her Kennedy Honors in 2003 hosted, of course, by Julie.
The ultimate friendship.
I feel like if Mugsy and I had both hit it big, that this would have been our friendship.
Monday, January 12, 2015
BFMH: Egg and Avocado Breakfast Pita Pizza
makes one serving
1 greek pocketless pita (can be white or wheat)
1-2 ripe avocados
1 egg
1 T fresh lemon juice
salt & pepper to taste
chili powder to taste
smoked paprika to taste
ground cumin to taste
about 1 t EVOO
Parmesan for sprinkling
1. Preheat broiler. Broil pita until crispy on top.
Remove from oven, and place on a plate.
2. Mash avocados together, add lemon juice (if you're
only making this with one avocado, use much less lemon juice), all seasonings,
and small drizzle of olive oil. Spread over warm pita bread.
3. In a small pan, cook your egg sunny-side up (to your
preference). Carefully place egg on prepared avocado-pita bread. Sprinkle with
Parmesan.I added onion, as I am want to do, into the mashed avocado as well as a chopped tomato.
The onion was too much for a breakfast, but the tomato was very nice. I mashed my avocado into something like guacamole in hopes to ensure it would keep, but I don't suggest it.
This breakfast as a whole was nice and hearty without the weight of potato or extra meat. Try it out!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Week 10 of #100daysofthanksgiving
Week 10
Day 64: 1/3: Sunset while on our way to Larry's Retirement Party.
Day 65: 1/4: The Thurman Family and The Pearler Band at Disneyland.
Day 67: 1/6: My Husband got everything together for me to clean out and organize the Christmas decor!
Day 68: 1/7: Seeing Angela Lansbury!
Day 69: 1/8: Getting to play Diablo 3 with my Husband.
Day 70: 1/9: Nick Frost in the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014
Day 66: 1/5: P90 Week 2. Slowly but surely
Day 68: 1/7: Seeing Angela Lansbury!
Day 69: 1/8: Getting to play Diablo 3 with my Husband.
Day 70: 1/9: Nick Frost in the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014
Thursday, January 8, 2015
A dream come true!
Yesterday, I got to see one of the most magnificent actress of our time in Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward at the Ahmanson Theatre in LA.
The one and only: Angela Lansbury!
The only time I was THIS excited about seeing a live play was seeing Judi Dench in Hay Fever by Noel Coward at the Haymarket Theatre in London back in 2006. While I was pretty stoked about seeing Danny Devito and Judd Hirsch in The Sunshine Boys by Neil Simon at the Ahmanson Theatre in LA in 2014, I prefer my English Dames.
You have to understand WHY I think Angela Lansbury is so stunning. Besides the fact that I just saw her kicking and dancing herself around the stage in near darkness at the age of 89!
While my generation primarily knows her from JB Fletcher Murder, She Wrote (which did run for 12 seasons 1984-1996) and Ms Potts from Beauty and the Beast (1991), she has a long and rich history in theatre on both Stage and Film.
Angela began acting as a coping mechanism due to the death of her father when she was nine. She moved to Hollywood with her mother and her brothers and got in with MGM. She earned an academy nomination for best support actress in her first movie role Gas Light as the Nancy Oliver, the maid. She signed a contract with MGM for 7 years. Over the course of those years, she was consistently cast in minor roles, in roles far older than her actual age and in roles that, as she put it, were "venal bitches". She ended her contract when it was up as she was not getting the sort of roles she wanted.
The Princess Gwendolyn with the wonderful Danny Kaye in The Court Jester 1955
She did numerous movies during and after her contract with MGM, but typically as a supporting character. She received the role as Auntie Mame in Mame at the age of 40 in 1966. The public was surprised as she was older and not well known so this was her first major role. For those of you not aware of the show, Mame Dennis has numerous dance numbers as well as songs and over twenty costume changes. Check her out when she and Bea Arthur did a revival on my favorite number.
Yesterday, I got to see one of the most magnificent actress of our time in Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward at the Ahmanson Theatre in LA.
The one and only: Angela Lansbury!
![]() |
Because she is amazing, that's why. |
You have to understand WHY I think Angela Lansbury is so stunning. Besides the fact that I just saw her kicking and dancing herself around the stage in near darkness at the age of 89!
While my generation primarily knows her from JB Fletcher Murder, She Wrote (which did run for 12 seasons 1984-1996) and Ms Potts from Beauty and the Beast (1991), she has a long and rich history in theatre on both Stage and Film.
Angela began acting as a coping mechanism due to the death of her father when she was nine. She moved to Hollywood with her mother and her brothers and got in with MGM. She earned an academy nomination for best support actress in her first movie role Gas Light as the Nancy Oliver, the maid. She signed a contract with MGM for 7 years. Over the course of those years, she was consistently cast in minor roles, in roles far older than her actual age and in roles that, as she put it, were "venal bitches". She ended her contract when it was up as she was not getting the sort of roles she wanted.
Singing in The Picture of Dorian Gray in 1945
The Princess Gwendolyn with the wonderful Danny Kaye in The Court Jester 1955
Singing at the Oscars in 1959 with her fellow English women about not being nominated.
She did numerous movies during and after her contract with MGM, but typically as a supporting character. She received the role as Auntie Mame in Mame at the age of 40 in 1966. The public was surprised as she was older and not well known so this was her first major role. For those of you not aware of the show, Mame Dennis has numerous dance numbers as well as songs and over twenty costume changes. Check her out when she and Bea Arthur did a revival on my favorite number.
One of my absolutely favorite movies while I was growing up (and still) was Disney's Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1970) which, coincidentally, stars Dame Angela.
Here is my favorite song from the movie:
She went on to do a revival of Gypsy in 1973 and win tons of awards for it, like you do:
Let's talk about her as Miss Lovett in Sweeney Todd in 1979. Better yet, let's watch it:
"The Worst Pies in London" from Sweeney Todd
"By the Sea" from Sweeney Todd
I was initially introduced to her initially by way of my Mother and Grandmother
watching Murder, She Wrote (1984-1996). Here she is talking about it...
In 2000, she received her Kennedy Center Honors:
She took a break from face time on screen to do more voice acting as well as doing more stage work all over the world, such as Driving Miss Daisy with James Earl Jones in Australia.
Remember, I have just scraped the surface of her career.
I just didn't want to overload the servers with ALL the video content.
Let's wrap this post with some fun:
If you want to hear about her life from the best source available, enjoy this:
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