Friday, October 16, 2015

Crockpot Chicken and Chicken Stock!

SO I did that thing where I made something SUPER delish and then completely forget to take a photo of it because I was excited about it... This time it was a Whole Chicken in a Crockpot!

I can't believe how easy this one was. I highly suggest trying this recipe out as it definitely makes for a nice presentation for having guests over for dinner. The excellent part is that the chicken is so moist and tender that it literally falls off the bone.

Which was good as I then promptly took said meat off of said bones and made me some Chicken Stock in a Crockpot from the remains of my Whole Chicken in a Crockpot.

Bones in cheese cloth makes pulling the bones out later really easy!
I try my darndest to not buy salty, oily chicken stock from the store and this little ditty has officially made my life easier. Give it a try some time!

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