Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Everything tastes better as a pie

So I don't know why this keeps popping up with I look up things that are low carb on Pinterest, but it does. The pie crust makes it obviously not low carb, but I decided to make it for my family any way.

Tomato Pie Recipe
1 pre-made or homemade pie crust
1 large sweet onion, sliced
5 - 6 very fresh, preferably farmer's market or garden tomatoes, sliced
1 cup mayonnaise (I halved it with Greek Yogurt)
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs
1 cup sliced fresh mozzarella
salt and pepper
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place pie crust in pie plate. Prick piecrust with a fork and pre-bake pie crust for 10 minutes. Arrange onions in the bottom of the pie in a circular formation. Then arrange sliced tomatoes, around in a circle, and some in the middle. Add salt and pepper. Combine mayonnaise, cheddar cheese and dried Italian seasonings in a small bowl. Mix well and spoon over tomatoes, leaving about 1 inch gap in between mayo and the edge of the pie so you can still see the tomatoes. Place sliced cheese on top of mayonnaise layer.

2. Bake for about 30 minutes, at 350 degrees, or until cheese is golden.

Notes: I totally didn't use that many tomatoes, nor a whole onion. I use about half an onion and only 5 Roma Tomatoes. I suppose that it depends on your pie dish size.

Until the next challenge...Cook it up!

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