Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My 34 before 34 List and my 34 birthday!

Happy birthday to me! I am 34 today and that is awesome.
As many of you know, I attempt to do a list of during each year of life. Here is how 34 before 34 shook out this time around!
One things that wasn't on the list originally did occur this past month, I DMed my first Dungeons and Dragons Campaign!

1) Run a 5k
2) Run a 10k - didn't do, but did a 10k over the course of 2 days.
3) Complete 90 Day BBM Challenge
4) Get to Pre Baby Weight 135 - Started at 155 Ended
               Made it to 148 Pounds - I don't think I every really committed to a weight loss diet and exercise plan at the same time...so that'll make it hard to loose weight, obviously.

1) Recreate 1 thing from my “recreate” list
2) Knit or Crochet a project
3) Learn to use my Sewing Machine
4) Cosplay of Rosie Beestinger

Just Cuz
1) Throw a Mid Winter Party
2) Throw a Cocktail Party
3) Organize Vanity Table and Wardrobe 
4) Organize Baby stuff in the basement

1) Learn to make a "cornerstone"
2) Learn to Decorate a Cake - Buttercream specifically
3) Do a week of meal planning/Meal prep for a Month
4) Meal Prep for a month

1) Go Ziplinging with MiL - still hasn't happened :(
2) Go on an unplanned Weekend Trip - Phoenix
3) go on a hike 
4) Get pregnant with second child - there is a grace period for this one. I'll let you know...lol

1) Go to Michigan with Golomskis
2) Go visit Honey moon friends
3) Plan Canada Road Trip
4) Got to PAX South

1) 2 things TBD on my 1/4 birthday July 10th 
A) Go Back to school and become a teacher
B) See A
2) 2 things in any category TBD on my 1/2 birthday October 10th
A) Go Back to school and become a teacher
B) See A
3) 2 things TBD on my 3/4 birthday January 10th
A) Go Back to school and become a teacher
B) See A

1) Go Back to school and become a teacher
2) See Number 1
3) See Number 2
4) 34 Books To read: (4 Classics) DONE!
1. If you ask me, but of course you won't. - Betty White
2. Blood Rites - Jim Butcher
3. The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
4. Serefina and the Splintered Heart - Robert Beatty
5. Bury Your Dead - Louis Penny
6. Lean In - Sheryl Sandberg
7. The Go Giver - Bob Burg
8. Station Eleven- St John Mandel
9. The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss
10. The Happiest Baby on the Block – Dr Harvey Karp
11. Classic – Walden – Henry David Thoreau
12. I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Bill Bryson
13. 5 Love Languages of Children - Gary Chapman
14. Serefina and the Twisted Staff - Robert Beatty
15. Serefina and the Block Cloak - Robert Beatty
16. Fantastic Beast - J.K. Rowling
17. A Distant Mirror - Barbara W. Tuchman
18. Eligible – Curtis Sittenfield
19. Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child – Bob Spitz
20. Keep Moving - Dick Van Dyke
21. The Bad Beginning - Lemony Snicket
22. The Reptile Room - Lemony Snicket
23. The Wide Window - Lemony Snicket
24.  The Miserable Mill - Lemony Snicket
25. The Austere Academy - Lemony Snicket
26. The Ersatz Elevator - Lemony Snicket
27. The Vile Village - Lemony Snicket
28.  The Hostile Hospital - Lemony Snicket
29. The Carnivorous Carnival- Lemony Snicket
30. The Slippery Slope- Lemony Snicket
31. The Grim Grotto- Lemony Snicket
32. The Penultimate Peril- Lemony Snicket
33.  The End- Lemony Snicket
34. Classic – Dracula – Bram Stoker